I'm officially eight months post partum.
Life with three little ones is busy.
Life is full.
Life often feels messy.
And I feel overwhelmed...often.
But I'm also feeling stretched. The capacity for what I can handle is increasing, though I often crave for the weight to remain the same.
Y'all, I'm exercising muscles that I didn't know existed-both figuratively and literally.
Our daughter’s second birthday.
Somewhere in the midst of what often feels like chaotic days, I've been craving consistency. I love this blog. It fuels me beyond measure to write, to reflect, and to create content.
But I often feel like I write these emails/blogs with the little crumbs that I have left after a long day...week...month...season of life. Fifteen minutes here. Ten minutes there. A few sentences, after countless interruptions (interruptions that I wouldn't trade for anything in the world).
Easter Sunday 2022
I love consistency. I love following through with a detailed schedule and outline. But I haven't been doing so, because
1) My life can't be structured into a detailed outline right now and
2) I keep staring at the little bit of crumbs I have left on my plate and wondering, "what do I have to offer?"
"But what's wrong with crumbs?"
This last question plagues me. It's a question that keeps coming up in my spirit.
It was through small pieces of bread and a few pieces of fish in which God received so much glory amongst 50,000+ people.
And so I'm here to share that, moving forward, I plan to share the little bit of crumbs that I have whenever I have the opportunity, believing that the Lord will multiply these crumbs into the sort of bread He desires, to feed whomever He wishes, and to receive the glory however He ordains.
Look for more emails from me.
Unsubscribe if these emails become annoying lol.
But know, I'll be extraordinarily proud of myself for showing up and writing... even with my little bit of crumbs.
Love you.
- Pondered Thought