PonderedThought chronicles how I see God in my everyday experiences as a wife, as a mother, and simply as a daughter of Christ. My blog includes personal testimonies, inspirational devotionals, and pondered thoughts.

Teach Us To Number Our Days, That We May Gain A Heart Of Wisdom.

"But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered

them in her heart."

Luke 2:19

Most Recent Posts

 Why PonderedThought?

In today’s culture, it’s very easy to rush from tweet to tweet, caption to picture, video to stories, and forego the importance of sitting in another’s thought and taking a step back and truly pondering on what’s been read. My hope is that these blog posts find a way of sparking new thoughts in you that linger even after the last word is read. Well, that’s my prayer at least…


About this blog? This blog contains personal testimonies, inspirational devotionals, and some pondered thoughts that somehow always lead to God. My prayer is that young women (and perhaps, men) may be blessed through the sharing of my words.  My thoughts are strategically scattered at times, but carefully pondered when time allots. I like to write through awkward sentence structure, and I don’t mind writing with no clear purpose at the start. Hope you enjoy! 



Pondered thought

About Me 

Hey there...

I’m a wife to one, a mama to five, a Millennial who is in her 30s, and an introvert by nature. Forever, I’m a daughter of Christ and identify most as such. I graduated from Princeton University and my family and I reside in the burbs of Memphis, TN.

I enjoy unplanned Saturday mornings with my husband, hour-long conversations with my sisters, a clean house, walks accompanied by good conversation, people watching, and worshipping (when I’m able to not care about the thought of man and solely focus on the Lord.)

If you can identify with some of my scattered thoughts (hmmmm… no wait, actually carefully pondered), I’d feel most comforted knowing I’m not alone. Hope you enjoy reading this blog at work, when distracted, or when genuinely interested. My name is Jessica.

Follow Me on Instagram @PonderedThought